Is MONAT Global A Scam? (A Pyramid Scheme In Disguise?! )(REVIEW)

It’s likely that you have come across MONAT Global through an email list, on social media or got it recommended by a friend or family member.

Is MONAT Global a scam? Maybe it’s a pyramid scheme in disguise. Of course the reason why you’re here is to find out just that right? I’ve got to say that that’s definitely the best course of action if you’re thinking about joining because there’s definitely a few things regarding it that could make it not greatest of opportunities to pursue.

First and foremost I must commend you for actually doing a bit of extra research before committing to purchasing or joining MONAT Global. For all you could have known, MONAT Global may very well be a scam and rob you of your money so this review could help you find anything peculiar about it.

To be totally transparent with you I haven’t used MONAT Global so I can assure you that I will not attempt to sell you on it unless of course it’s worth investing in.

What I will aim to do is provide you with an unbiased 3rd party review of MONAT Global that will hopefully help you to make the correct decision in the end.


OWNER/S: Luis Urdaneta


PRICE: $99 + $19.95/year

SUMMARY: As far as I can tell MONAT is neither a pyramid scheme nor a scam but, due to its recent brushes with the law and media, I have to admit that at the moment it may be treading on a fine line.

Although in its early years MONAT was actually performing very well and actually managed to accumulate a few awards, the number of negative things it has come under fire for in the last 2 years honestly don’t make it seem lika a very appealing business opportunity right now.

The major side effects some consumers suffered, the numerous class action lawsuits, the media coverage on the negative effects on the product that are also really expensive to purchase, doesn’t make MONAT an enticing prospect to delve into. Because of these reasons, I’d suggest skipping out on this business opportunity.





Monat logo

MONAT is a hair care MLM founded by Luis Urdaneta & his family back in late 2014. If you were wondering, the name MONAT is actually an abbreviation of “Modern Nature”.

In its early days MONAT actually had very good growth but over the years the product line and the number of people complaining about the negative experiences they’ve had with MONAT doesn’t make it a very reliable MLM to join.

Anyways, just so that you have the clearest idea on whether joining MONAT will be worth your while, I’ll try to go over a lot of the core elements and points below, starting what their product line.

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As you already know, the line of products that the company sells are hair care products so of course the products on offer do reflect that. What supposedly separates MONAT’s products from its competitors is the unique anti-aging formula that they use to enhance the ability of their products.

Some of the categories of goods they sell include :


  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Hair spray
  • Hair repair treatment

If you want to check out their full lineup of products yourself, click here.

They have a bunch of different products within these categories, pertaining to different sized bottles and whatnot but, in terms of what their most popular product is, that’d have to be a line called Rejuveniqe Oil Intensive.

This product claims to “Nourish and energize your scalp using a blend of 13+ Natural Plant and Essential Oils rich in omega fatty acids, antioxidants and nutrients highly compatible with the skin and hair. It’s a” unique” formula that helps repair and protect against oxidative stress and adding body.”

In terms of what you’re told regarding it, it does seem to be a very appealing product however, when you dig deeper and actually see the price that its being offered at, 4-5 times more than its competitors, it definitely becomes a lot less appealing of a hair product to invest in.

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I’m sure if you’re planning to either purchase or even become a distributor for MONAT you’ll want to know the quality of the products right? I think it’s pretty important that you have some idea on what actual consumers think of the hair products therefore, I did a little bit of research and this is what I found.

It seems that in general, the products are getting a lot of bad rep from customers and from the media. Within trustpilot it seems that a large majority did not like what was on offer. Individuals suffered major setbacks on the health of their hair.

Quite a lot of people have experienced lumps of hair falling out off their scalps and an increase in the dryness of their scalps in general.


Monat complaint


Although there are a few people who have genuinely liked the quality of whats offered, a large majority of people haven’t had that great an experience with MONAT’s products.


Monat good


There’s also a whole lot of complaints regarding the customer service on offer which is I guess another bit of bad publicity for them.

When you consider all the major scandals regarding the line that’s occurred in recent years, even with the positive outlook from some individuals, the negatives are just too heavy to ignore and it makes it pretty difficult to say that the products, as a whole, are good.

When you also take into account the premium pricing, it makes it even harder to consider promoting MONAT’s products as a reasonable business opportunity to try out.


As is the case with pretty much all MLM businesses there are 2 ways to make money with them, MONAT being no exception.

1. The first method is by directly selling the product to other individuals and in return make a commission for the sales

2. You make money through your recruits and downline, by getting residual income by following and meeting certain criteria as well as make money through bonuses and incentives due to meeting company set goals.


There are couple of things that you will need to do in order to become an official distributor for MONAT. The first thing you’ll need to pay for is one of MONAT’s starter kit which will cost you, at the very least, $99.

Of course if you sign up as a distributor you will be put directly into the downline of your refferer, who will probably persuade you to purchase one of the more expensive kits that will both technically provide you with a better deal and also benefit your referrer as they’ll make a larger commission this way.

You’ll also have to pay a yearly fee of. $19.95 to remain as an active distributor.

It’s far from being the most expensive MLM I’ve reviewed but, considering all the backlash that the company has suffered, it also really isn’t the most trustworthy or reliable businesses to partner up with despite the relatively affordable start up.

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MONAT has a pretty robust compensation plan that you will need to study in order to understand how to make money with the company.

There are 5 different methods described in the plan which you can use to make money with the company and they include :

  1. Sales Commissions 
  2. Sponsor & Develop 
  3. Builder Bonus 
  4. Advancement Bonus 
  5. VIP Customers Sales 

If you want to get a more thorough look at the plan, check out the video below.


You Will Need To Recruit To Succeed 

Most MLM’s require that you be very good at recruiting or direct face to face selling in order to succeed and I’m sure you’ll not be too surprised in hearing that MONAT follows this exact same philosophy.

So, if you’re not already familiar with how MLM’s work, what you need to do. in order to get the most potential out of the opportunity is persuad others to join.

If you’re no good at persuading or even just asking others to join MONAT, the amount of money you make will be limited because you’ll miss out on all the, essentially, autopilot commissions you’d be earning from your downline.

A lack of recruits means that you will need to do a whole lot of face to face selling to make ends meet. Although it is theoretically possible to make a decent sum of money doing this, it’s still always the case that the members with the largest downline are the ones succeeding and not the purely direct face to face selling distributors.

If you’re not willing to put in the work to learn the skills to succeed with MONAT (if you don’t have the skills already), you’re highly likely to have a very hard time making it work.

The Products Are Really Expensive

Considering how the mainline products sold by MONAT are hair care products, the prices of $30+ for a small bottle of shampoo and even more for the larger variations definitely come off as being very expensive in my opinion.

The fact they’re so expensive yet still have caused problems for consumers is quite ridiculous. When most people can just head to their local supermarkets and generally spend less than a third of what’s asked for MONAT’s shampoos or conditioners for pretty similar quality if not better, why should customers spend more?

To be fair some consumers who’ve used the products have liked them and the higher price also does mean you’ll be making a larger commission for every sale but, for the most part, the issues that so many consumers have suffered to me, doesn’t justify the premium price people will be paying for them.

A Lot Of People Have Suffered Negative Side Effects

People have suffered some awful side effects after using MONAT’S hair care products. This is actually a very major issue and has resulted in quite a lot of complaints and even a major media scandal, which I’ll get to in a bit.

People have said how the products either made their hair thinner and even in some extreme cases resulted in chunks of hair being pulled out from their scalp.

Of course this isn’t a very good look for the company and a major problem that you’ll likely face as a distributor, if you’re serious about joining MONAT.

Numerous Class Action Lawsuits

Since its inception in late 2014, MONAT has been hit with a couple major class action lawsuits. In the first half of 2018 alone they had accumulated 5 lawsuits and they added quite a few more to it according to this website.

When you take into account how MONAT is actually not even 5 years old at this point, at its accumaltion of soo many lawsuits regarding their products or the company as a whole, really doesn’t make it a very appealing business opportunity to jump into.

Has Dealt With A Major Media Scandal

What’s worse is that all these lawsuits and complaints did result in MONAT’s situation being exposed in the media. There were cases of a lot individuals who suffered some major hair loss because of the problematic ingredients in their hair care products.

Take a look at a couple of these unfortunate individuals down below.

No Transparency

Last but certainly not least is something you probably want to learn about, this being the income potential. However, I couldn’t find their income disclosure statement… Probably because it proves that the majority of individuals are actually failing.

The reason why I believe that most distributors are unlikely to be succeeding is because I’ve reviewed over 50 MLM’s at this point and seen income statement from other MLM’s such as Xyngular, Isagenix, Nucerity, Avon, Nerium, Usana etc and within all of these companies the majority of people were failing.

In fact for the most part, distributors that were making at least $1k/month only consisted of 5% of all the members and generally less than 1% were making a full time income.

Although there isn’t any concrete proof via an income disclosure statement showing that MONAT is similar to this, taking into account all the bad publicity, I’d say that it’s probably not too far off from the truth


They Did Have Solid Start And Won A Few Awards

Before all the backslash and lawsuits, MONAT actually had a very solid start to their business. In 2016 they actually managed to win quite a few awards. These awards imclued :

  1. 2016 Stevie Awards for Women in Business
  2. 2016 American Business Award
  3. 2017 Direct Sellers Association of Canada

It’s crazy how fast all of this turned around but at the current moment, MONAT is going through a very rough patch and I honestly do think that all these scandals could result in the company’s collapse if it doesn’t push through.

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As far as I can tell MONAT is neither a pyramid scheme nor a scam but, due to its recent brushes with the law and media, I have to admit that at the moment it may be treading on a fine line.

Although in its beginning years MONAT was actually performing very well and actually managed to accumulate a few awardst, the number of negative things it has come under fire for in the last 2 years honestly don’t make it seem like a very appealing business opportunity to join at this current moment.

The major side effects some consumers suffered, the numerous class action lawsuits, the media coverage on the negative effects on the product, that are also really expensive to purchase, doesn’t make MONAT an enticing prospect to delve into in my eyes.

Although I couldn’t find an income disclosure statement, the liklihood of failing is probably very high at around the 80%-90% mark with a very low rate for actually making decent income. Of course this is based on the statistics from other MLM’s but I doubt the high failure rate is too far off from the true figures.

All in all I personally don’t recommend that you join this company.


I personally will always recommend against using a MLM business model to make money, not because you can’t make money through it (you totally can) but, the system has always seemed shady to myself and is kinda synonymous with the likes of a pyramid scheme or scams (MOBE and Digital altitude).

Instead I prefer working with something created through ones own means and is ultimately dependent on yourself and your work ethic alone.

This method I’m talking about is affiliate marketing. 

The reasons as to why I recommend it over MLM based structures are because

– there is no need to recruit constantly

– it is a legitimate method that has been working consistently and continues to grow as more businesses want individuals to promote products

– and because it is free to start up, no unnecessarily large start up funds needed.

The service I recommend is Wealthy Affiliate. It’s free to sign up to and will get you set up and ready to start your affiliate marketing journey within minutes, as it did for me when I begun my journey.


If you have any questions that you would like to ask me regarding MONAT , feel free to do so in the comments section below AND I will get back to you as soon as I can. If you have your own thoughts about MONAT and would like to talk about it, again feel free to do so in the comments below!



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